Under normal circumstances, the foreparts and heads of the lambs of the lambs are delivered when the ewe is delivered. At this time, the mucus in the mouth and nose should be wiped off quickly to avoid foreign material pneumonia. After the natural rupture of the umbilical cord of the lamb, the umbilical cord was cut with sterile scissors 3 to 5 cm from the broken end of the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord was ligated with a clean line, and then 5% alcohol was applied for disinfection. When the lamb is released, gently tap the palm of your chest with your palm and shake the lungs to help breathe. In the event of cold weather, use a clean dry cloth or hay to quickly wipe the mucus on the lamb to prevent it from getting cold. In the event of a suspended animation of a lamb, the lamb can be immersed in warm water at a temperature of about 40°C, gently pressing on both sides of the chest, or blowing into the nostrils to wake up.
Ewes generally clean the mucus on the lambs after delivery. If the ewes are not embarrassed, they can spread the bran on the lamb and induce the ewe to wipe. If the ewes are on both sides of the breast and on the inside of the strands, they should be promptly cut off, and then the breasts should be washed with warm disinfectant and wiped dry. After the lamb struggling to stand on the ground and approach the ewes' abdomen, the lamb should be tempted to approach the ewes' nipples and assist in squeezing a few drops of colostrum into the lamb's mouth. After completing the above work, the lambs should be earmarked as soon as possible, and the birth weight should be stated and recorded.
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