How Cordyceps formed

How Cordyceps formed

Cordyceps sinensis grows in the cool and snowy area of ​​the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at an altitude of 3500-5000 meters above sea level. It is a complex of Cordyceps sinensis and bat moth larvae. The Cordyceps sinensis fungus enters parasite form and penetrates the mycelia of the bat moth larvae. To make full use of organic substances in larvae as a nutrient for special biotransformation suitable for fungal growth. In the spring of the following year, Cordyceps sinensis fungal mycelium, which is housed in the bat moth larvae, emerges as a “grass”, and before and after the summer solstice, Cordyceps sinensis formed.

The unique geographical and growing environment not only makes Cordyceps contain a variety of exotic ingredients, but also makes such a magical species so far unable to cultivate artificially. Cordyceps is produced only on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. Qinghai Province has the largest output, accounting for 60-70% of the total output, followed by Tibet and a small amount in Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan. Cordyceps sinensis is a kind of fungus that is very fond of low temperature, high altitude, and high parasitic specificity. When the temperature exceeds 20°C, it cannot grow normally.


The mature Cordyceps fungus forms a sub-base on the head of a parasitizing larva. There are approximately 5000 fertile, discernable ascospora shells in the sub-seat, which contain a long cylindrical ascopore containing ascospores when the asccus shell ruptures. The ascospores scatter out and break into numerous secondary ascospores, spreading with the wind.

The mature ascospores are scattered on the ground and penetrate into the soil with rainwater. Under suitable conditions, the ascospores germinate. Generally, the instar larvae of the bat moth are infested in the middle and late June. The ascospores grow out of the bud-like buds into the host worm. In the body, the mycelium is propagated, and the infested larvae gradually move slowly and climb into the soil layer that is 2-3 cm away from the ground by the plant roots, and gradually turn upward with the head facing upward. The fungus absorbs the vegetative growth in the host, and the insect is covered with hyphae. The mycelia film on the surface of the worm is then cemented with the soil particles into "insect shells" to complete the asexual generation of Cordyceps sinensis.

After entering the fall, Cordyceps begins sexual generation and grows short sub-bases from the head of infected host insects before the soil freezes. In Yushu, Qinghai Province, parasitic parasites can be excavated in late September. The head of the head is approximately 1 cm high and does not expose the soil surface. After thawing in May of the following year, the soil temperature and humidity are suitable for growth of Ascomycetes. The speed of 3-4mm grows out of the ground, resembling a small grass. The sub-subsidiary is a pale green at the beginning of the excavation, and turns purple afterwards. Generally, it does not continue to grow when the ground part is exposed to 20-50mm. By mid-June, the head of the seat gradually became hypertrophic, and in late July, ascospores grew. It matures from August to September and emerges from the ascospora shells, continuing to parasitize host larvae.

There are 62 subspecies of Cordyceps sinensis, which are of different sizes. Although some subspecies are not very thick, they contain a lot of essential ingredients. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to judge its merits by its size. There are two types of authentic Cordyceps sinensis from its growing environment: grassland cordyceps on plateau meadows and cordyceps grasses on high-altitude Yinshan canyons.

Owing to the difference in growth environment and soil quality, Cordyceps sinensis differs slightly in its color and morphology. Cordyceps militaris is yellowish in color, and its body is hypertrophic and fleshy, while Cordyceps militaris is dark brown and its body is full and robust. Due to its vast territory, the grassland is the main producing area, and the market is popular for this variety. The source of Cordyceps is rare, but most of the ancient medical records are such.

From the point of view of nutrient content, the two are similar, but no matter which one is more expensive than the natural one, once it is dyed or contaminated, it loses its value.

Cordyceps, the highest domestic medicinal value, is produced in Nagqu, Qamdo, Tibet, and Yushu and Guoluo, Qinghai. These production areas are located at an altitude of 3000-4000 meters, with the highest levels of natural anti-cancer natural cordycepin and natural amino acids. When you purchase Cordyceps, you must carefully identify.

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