The inventory of foreign wearable devices in the first half of 2016 and the enlightenment

The wearable devices on the market are full of functions and functions, but for now, wearable devices are only an accessory for consumers, not necessarily equipped. Consumers are not required to be too fancy or functional. Excessive configuration is required. According to statistics, among the many selectable wearable devices, products that are lighter, easier to operate, and simpler in function are more popular among consumers. In this issue, we will take stock of new products that have been released or will be released in the past six months. At the same time, we will also feel the brains of wearable devices.


1, flexible mechanical suit

The flexible mechanical kit was designed by Conor Walsh, founder of Harvard Biolabs, and included in the research team robotics, mechanics, software, biomechanics engineers, and fashion designers. Featuring an ergonomic and soft fabric design, unlike the cumbersome and stiff structure of other mechanical suits, it incorporates a small, powerful power unit in the belt for the wearer to walk naturally. It can help those who suffer from stroke, multiple sclerosis and the elderly to walk like normal people.

Inventory of foreign wearable devices in the first half of 2016 and its enlightenment

2, exoskeleton equipment

This exoskeleton is made of aluminum-titanium and weighs 26 pounds. It has five disabled motors on each leg. The built-in sensor can detect “extremely small movement tendency” and it is airborne. The computer can also create a smooth mechanical pace as much as possible based on the children's walking. In addition, considering the growth and development of children, the entire device adopts the design of the telescopic bracket, which can be adjusted according to the patient's height to help the children walk, avoiding bedridden and causing more serious complications.

The device uses an algorithm similar to SRI Ventures' recently introduced Superflex soft exoskeleton, which is said to be the softest exoskeleton device in the world, but its battery life is extended by five hours.

Inventory of foreign wearable devices in the first half of 2016 and its enlightenment

3, AxonVR uniform

AxonSuit clothing includes jackets, gloves, pants, and boots that provide tactile, thermal feedback. The garments are lined with thousands of "pixels", each of which provides separate pressure and thermal stimuli to mimic different materials and temperatures. Therefore, you can feel the roughness of the rock and the cold of the ice in virtual reality. When your game character is deep in the desert, you even feel that the temperature of the whole body is rising sharply.

In order for the player to feel the change in spatial position, the costume can be fixed in a set of metal exoskeletons. The tactile feedback of the sole also allows you to feel the natural walking experience, even though you are fixed in the air by the mechanical suspension during the game. In addition, this exoskeleton is equipped with a rope connected to AxonSuit, which can provide tension from multiple dimensions, which allows you to truly feel the weight of the object in the virtual world.

Inventory of foreign wearable devices in the first half of 2016 and its enlightenment

4, smart racing suits

Each smart racing suit has a built-in smart tag with an NFC chip, which is given a unique identifiable code in the production of the tag. The security technology used in the encoding guarantees that it cannot be modified and copied. The chip is used to validate the player's racing suit, and the chip can also personally identify the racer, including personal medical records, which can help the racer in the event of a car accident and treatment. At the same time, people also hope that the data storage technology can help verify the personal products of the racers in the auction. After all, no one wants to buy the items that I used after spending a lot of money.

This smart racing suit can also be connected to an NFC-enabled smartphone, where you can browse all the data stored in the cloud, including images and production parameters. Whether it will be applied to the F1 field, it may also need to face the strict review of the FIA.

Inventory of foreign wearable devices in the first half of 2016 and its enlightenment

Preservation Tube

Can be used directly to maintain the integrity of cell morphology Guidelines recommend cell preservation fluids for sample preservation and transport. It can be used for sputum, bronchoscopic alveolar lavage fluid, pleural fluid and other liquid samples.

Sample storage tubes,Medical disposable storage tubes,Disposable medical consumables

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