Grape single dry arms tree shaped young tree shaping

After the seedlings were planted, the strong new shoots were selected from the new shoots that occurred in the year. Only one was used as the extension branch, and the main stem was cultured. The other sprouted shoots were all removed. In the process of growing the trunk, it is necessary to ensure the uprightness of the trunk growth. When the trunk grows to 100-120 cm, the heart is topped and two secondary tips are left to cultivate the arms, and the remaining secondary tips are all removed. After the secondary tips are germinated, they are split to the sides and re-bounded along the direction of the wire. As the growth of the new shoots extends and is constrained in time, the position of the restraint should not be too close to the new shoots to avoid affecting the growth of the new shoots. When the adjacent two plants grow in cross, they are topped in time. In the winter, the diameter of the branches was cut according to the diameter of the branches. The diameter of the cuts was 1 cm. If the branches are thick, they can be trimmed between two adjacent plants, and the spacing of the pruning is about 10 cm. If the branches are thin, it is suitable for short cuts, or a short bud is selected near the main stem, and the next year is continued. Another arm. The other branches on the trunk except the two arms are all removed. The two arms generally do not leave short branches in the first year, but if the arms grow well and can reach a diameter of 1 cm, a few branches can be left. Perform a short cut. If the two arms have reached the specified length, they can be flattened and tied to the wire.

When the plant begins to grow in the second year, the buds germinated on the arm are erased, and the buds are left. The distance between the upper buds is 10-20 cm, and the sprout on the trunk is removed. If the results are more in the current year, they should be properly removed. When the new shoot grows the second wire, it binds to prevent the reverse of the result. In addition, in the northern part of China. It can also play a role in releasing the wind. In the winter, the method of pruning was as follows: leave a branch every 10 to 20 cm on the arm for short cut (remaining 2 to 4 buds), and all the remaining branches were removed.

In the third year, during the growing season, the growth of the arms should be taken care of, and the long branches on the arms should be removed in time. When the winter is trimmed, the short-cuts are trimmed, and the tree-shaped cultivation has been completed.

In areas with good soil, fertilizer and water conditions, coupled with good management measures and strong plant growth, tree-shaped cultivation can be completed in two years. The cultivation of the tree shape by the "high, wide, and vertical" frame is the same.

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