Early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer is expected to improve
January 25, 2019 Source: Health News Network Author: Zhang Jiawei
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Before the onset of lung cancer, precancerous lesions often appear in the airway, but according to the college, only about half of these lesions will eventually develop into lung cancer, and the other half will gradually dissipate or remain benign. How to find out the difference is important for the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.
The team led by the college's scholars conducted in-depth analysis of the biopsy samples collected from 85 patients, and conducted long-term follow-up of the patient's condition for more than 5 years to confirm which patients developed lung cancer patients. Related papers have been published in the journal Nature Medicine.
The team successfully identified some important genetic features of precancerous lesions, including genetic variation, gene expression, and chromosomal instability, which can help researchers more accurately identify which lesions develop into lung cancer. Based on this research, future healthcare professionals may be able to determine whether a patient needs surgery at an earlier stage of the disease.
Professor Sam Jons, one of the authors of the University of London, said that it is possible to understand the changes in these cells before cancer, and to help people understand the early stages of lung cancer development, and researchers may use this information to develop new ones. Lung cancer screening technology and new therapies.
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