The humidity problem in the food factory packaging room The people who work in the food factory know that the ambient temperature in the packaging room is ten ------ fifteen degrees. This food factory is doing very well, and often overlooks another The problem, that is, the humidity, is not considered important. On the contrary, low or high humidity will affect the quality and feel of the product...
Everyone who has worked in the food factory knows that the ambient temperature in the packaging room is ten ------ fifteen degrees. This food factory is doing very well, and often overlooks another problem, that is, humidity. It is not important, but on the contrary, low or high humidity will affect product quality and perception, and the efficiency of the staff.
Low humidity will make the staff uncomfortable, which will cause irritability. For example, sterilization with ozone air will greatly reduce the sterilization effect. If the product is sliced ​​and packaged, it will sing the taste and the sense.
High humidity will also make the staff uncomfortable, which is conducive to the rapid propagation of bacteria, which is unfavorable to the shelf life of the product and unfavorable to the equipment.
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