How to identify the advantages and disadvantages of Daejeon seeds

Observing the external characteristics of the seeds or dissecting the seeds and embryos to determine the quality of the seeds is an easy and convenient measure that is conducive to agricultural production and income increase. Corn quality maize hybrids have uniform color, unchanged embryo and endosperm, and no mechanical damage and pods. Some peasants mistakenly think that black spots on the embryonic site are considered to be seeds that do not germinate. This is not correct. As long as the embryonic parts of the corn are not frozen, even black spots are still good seeds and can be used. Soybean normal soybean seed coat yellow and shiny, two new leaves cotyledons, yellow, no moisture on the seed coat after the attachment, there is no special smooth color. Some soybean seeds that have gone oily have lost their viability and can no longer be used as seeds. The mark is that the seed coat becomes dark in color or appears greasy. The two cotyledons are dark yellow or brown in color, and they are dull, and the color of the watercress edge is particularly noticeable. After the breath, the seed coat is covered with water and gas, and the color is smooth. Peanut good peanut seed fruit plump, sharp embryonic top, sprouting buds, pink seed coat, the top of the umbilical is white, easy to separate seeds from the seeds by hand; and the loss of viability peanut seeds surface shrinkage, seed coat Becomes yellow-brown or dark red, the top of the umbilical and cotyledons appear greasy, after 2 hours of soaking seed coat with water-like spots, cotyledons easily separated, can no longer be used as seeds. The viable seeds of wheat are fresh and shiny, full of embryos, and the embryonic sections and radicles are light yellow, oily, and elastic when viewed on an anatomical embryo. Without viable inferior seeds, the hulls are dull, the embryos are shriveled or tan, and the radicles are dark yellow or brown when the anatomy embryo is formed, and dry and fragile, and cannot be used.

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