New statistical model improves the accuracy of chemotherapy doses in cancer patients

Recently, a research report published in the International Journal of Clinical Oncology, researchers from the University of Cambridge developed a new statistical model that can assess the kidney function of cancer patients, the researchers believe that this Perhaps the most accurate model for assessing the body's kidney function, it can help cancer researchers safely and effectively treat patients, while also improving the accuracy of the dose of chemotherapy drugs used by patients. Currently, this model can be used free of charge online.

The kidney plays a variety of important functions in the body, including filtering waste and toxins from the blood, producing vitamin D, regulating blood pressure, etc. The filtration function of the kidney can often be measured by glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is the rate at which blood passes through the glomerulus, which is a small blood vessel located in the kidney. Determining GFR is important because assessment of kidney function can indicate the extent of disease progression, and whether drug therapy can produce side effects for critical functions.


Researcher Dr. Tobias Janowitz said that almost every cancer patient needs to measure kidney function, which is evaluated by reporting the value of GFR, which affects the role of multiple therapies in the clinic, but so far we have not The best way to provide a measure of GFR for cancer patients. Because the measurement of GFR is significant for everyday clinical practice, researchers need to develop a new model to evaluate GFR.

In this study, researchers developed a new method to evaluate GFR using data from a large database of more than 2,500 people. Researchers used accurate measurements of GFR to provide gold criteria, followed by statistical models. The method is to find the best mathematical model that can be used to evaluate GFR. This new model will be able to provide an uncertainty measurement for the assessment. In order to test the effect of this modified model on the assessment of GFR, the researchers focused on the decision of the dose of chemotherapy drugs, especially the dose of carboplatin, which can be used to treat many types of cancer, such as lung cancer and ovarian cancer. And breast cancer, etc.; the researchers say that compared to the models currently used in clinical practice (more than 20%), this new model can significantly reduce the possibility of incorrect doses of carboplatin (11.7%) ).

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